ar X iv : m at h / 05 05 31 9 v 1 [ m at h . FA ] 1 6 M ay 2 00 5 σ - Derivations in Banach Algebras ∗
Introducing the notions of (inner) σ-derivation, (inner) σ-endomorphism and oneparameter group of σ-endomorphisms (σ-dynamics) on a Banach algebra, we correspond to each σ-dynamics a σ-derivation named as its σ-infinitesimal generator. We show that the σ-infinitesimal generator of a σ-dynamics of inner σ-endomorphisms is an inner σ-derivation and deal with the converse. We also establish a nice generalized Leibniz formula and extend the Kleinencke-Sirokov theorem for σ-derivations under certain conditions. ∗AMS Subject Classification. Primary 47D06; secondary 47B47, 16W25.
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : m at h / 05 08 02 8 v 1 [ m at h . FA ] 1 A ug 2 00 5 AUTOMATIC CONTINUITY OF σ - DERIVATIONS ON C ∗ - ALGEBRAS
Let A be a C-algebra acting on a Hilbert space H, σ : A → B(H) be a linear mapping and d : A → B(H) be a σ-derivation. Generalizing the celebrated theorem of Sakai, we prove that if σ is a continuous ∗-mapping then d is automatically continuous. In addition, we show the converse is true in the sense that if d is a continuous ∗-σ-derivation then there exists a continuous linear mapping Σ : A → B...
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This is an overview article on finite-dimensional algebras and quivers, written for the Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics. We cover path algebras, Ringel-Hall algebras and the quiver varieties of Lusztig and Nakajima.
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An atomic decomposition is proved for Banach spaces which satisfy some affine geometric axioms compatible with notions from the quantum mechanical measuring process. This is then applied to yield, under appropriate assumptions, geometric characterizations, up to isometry, of the unit ball of the dual space of a JB∗-triple, and up to complete isometry, of one-sided ideals in C∗-algebras.
متن کاملar X iv : m at h / 05 01 13 9 v 2 [ m at h . FA ] 1 A ug 2 00 5 Stability of Adjointable Mappings in Hilbert C ∗ - Modules ∗
The generalized Hyers–Ulam–Rassias stability of adjointable mappings on Hilbert C∗-modules is investigated. As a corollary, we establish the stability of the equation f(x)∗y = xg(y)∗ in the context of C∗-algebras.
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